Special Education » Special Education

Special Education

Special Education is a specifically designed service to meet the individual needs of children with disabilities. It is the belief of the Jeff Davis County School System that all students with disabilities have the right to be educated with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate and to receive a high quality education. Through engaging work each student is allowed and encouraged to reach his/her maximum potential. The Special Education Program is designed to meet the specific needs of students with disabilities age 3 through 21. Services are designed to meet each individual's unique needs and to prepare them for employment and independent living. 

All students should have the opportunity to learn and to demonstrate what they know. Therefore, it is the belief that students with disabilities shall be provided with both real and valid opportunities to learn through the use of specialized research-based instruction, supportive services, and supplemental aids and supports, including ongoing training for teachers. If you suspect that your child may have a disability, please contact the Special Education Department at the Jeff Davis County Board of Education.

Jeff Davis County participates in Georgia's Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process (GCIMP), targeting performance goals for Students with Disabilities. Data are collected and analyzed throughout the year to measure progress toward meeting Georgia's Performance goals. Jeff Davis Schools' Special Education Department continues collaborative efforts with other counties in the regional area to implement the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) initiative, promoted through First District RESA and Southeast GLRS. This initiative focuses on educating all students within the least restrictive environment to the maximum extent possible while incorporating a wide variety of support and training for all staff.