Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education » CTAE


Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education 

The mission of Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) at Jeff Davis High is to provide quality educational experiences, which will allow all students to become economically and technologically trained and knowledgeable.  All students will be offered opportunities necessary to develop the successful decision-making skills required for choosing positive post-secondary, career, and personal life choices.  We will accomplish this by having high expectations for continuous learning and by offering an up-to-date curriculum based on consumer economics, technological, agricultural, and business needs.  This mission statement also applies to the connections classes at Jeff Davis Middle School.  Every high school CTAE department has pathways that lead students to career choices.  All departments explain the career pathways and the options available to students to complete the pathway.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to CTAE Director, Sarah Beth Swain at [email protected].us or 912-375-6760 extension 5155.