Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children
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Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children
Migrant Education is a United States Department of Education program that provides supplemental education and support services to eligible migrant children. These services help children of migrant workers overcome the disruption to their education and other obstacles. The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is based on the premise that poverty, mobility and school achievement are related and that children who are both poor and migratory are more likely to have difficulty in school.
The Migrant Education Program is a program of the United States Department of Education that provides supplemental educational services to migrant children. These services help the children of migrant workers to overcome the interruptions of their education and other obstacles they face. The Migrant Education Program is based on the premise that poverty and instability affect and are related to school success and that children who are both poor and migrant are more likely to have difficulties in school.
Migrant Education is a United States Department of Education program that provides supplemental education and support services to eligible migrant children. These services help children of migrant workers overcome the disruption to their education and other obstacles. The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is based on the premise that poverty, mobility and school achievement are related and that children who are both poor and migratory are more likely to have difficulty in school.
The Migrant Education Program is a program of the United States Department of Education that provides supplemental educational services to migrant children. These services help the children of migrant workers to overcome the interruptions of their education and other obstacles they face. The Migrant Education Program is based on the premise that poverty and instability affect and are related to school success and that children who are both poor and migrant are more likely to have difficulties in school.